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The nventory project targeted the formation of the European e·Infrastructures Observatory, a data warehouse capable of representingInfrastructure benchmarks.

The nventory project targeted the formation of the European Infrastructures Observatory, a single-entry-point, one-stop-shop data warehouse, capable of representing Infrastructure benchmarks and exhibiting European Infrastructures achievements for networking, supercomputing and grids, while being expandable to emerging Infrastructures, through intuitive, interactive and user-friendly visualisation interfaces to allow for progress monitoring and impact assessment of Infrastructures at regional and national level across the European Union and beyond.

Dr. Maria Roussou and Dimitris Nastos were part of the research team of the Madgik lab, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

The team designed and developed a prototype web platform of information visualizations that was made available to all eInfrastructure communities and to the general public. The visualizations developed range from interactive line charts to treemaps:

The nventory project was funded by the European Commission's Framework Programme 7 (2007-2013) Research infrastructures projects and coordinated by JNP.

Start date: September 1, 2010
Duration: 24 months

Web Programming, Research, Information/Data Visualization

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