
University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications

Current | Past full semester | Short-term lectures | Thesis supervision


  • K29: Database Design & Use (Σχεδίαση & Χρήση Βάσεων Δεδομένων), 2nd-year core (required) undergraduate course, since 2017. Course information webpage
    • ~250 students each year.
  • Museums in the Digital Age, Graduate course, mandatory for interdisciplinary MA in Museum Studies. Coordination, (co-)teaching (with Dr. Katifori), and MA thesis supervision.
    • 2022-2023, 14 students
    • 2021-2022, 17 students
    • 2020-2021, 22 students
    • 2019-2020, 22 students
    • 2018-2019, 20 students
    • 2017-2018, 14 students
    • 2016-2017, 16 students


  • M147: Technologies for Cultural Applications, Graduate course, elective for MSc in Computer Science and MSc in Information and Communication Technologies.

Past full semester courses

  • New Technologies & Museums required Graduate course for interdisciplinary MA in Museum Studies, University of Athens. List of MA theses supervised or member of MA committee.
    • Fall/Winter 2015-2016, 18 students
    • Fall/Winter 2014-2015, 19 students
    • Spring 2013, 30 students
    • Spring 2012, 17 students
    • Spring 2011, 24 students
    • Spring 2009, 15 students
    • Spring 2008, 22 students
    • Spring 2006, 22 students
    • Spring 2005, 21 students
    • Fall/Winter 2004-2005, 20 students

Short-term teaching and lectures (invited)


Thesis supervision/examination committees

PhD | MSc | MA | BSc

Detailed information: https://tinyurl.com/XRgrouptheses

PhD (supervision)

  • 2020-present: Christos Lougiakis, “Interaction and Perception in eXtended Reality (XR) Systems,” NKUA
  • 2023-present: Olga Chatzifoti, “Investigating Intrinsic Qualities of eXtended Reality (XR) Environments and their
    Influence on Behavioural Change,” NKUA

PhD (in 7-member examination committee)

 MSc (supervision)

 MA in Museum Studies

 BSc (supervision)